Towards Ending Child Marriage: Experimentation and Models (2018)
Football for Freedom, Unity & Solidarity: Transforming Girls’ Lives through Sports (2018)
Panchayat Lugayan Ree: A book by Books for Change Publications documenting the experiences of women elected representatives who faced obstacles and violence after reservations were introduced in local self-governments through the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in 1994.
Dalit Mahilaon Ki Kahani Unki Zubani: – A book written by 12 Dalit women sharing their experiences as leaders after completing their five-year tenures.
Dafan Betiyan: Jimmedar Kaun (2001): A Hindi book exploring the patriarchal politics and economic interests surrounding sex-selective abortions.
Gender-stereotypes in School Bags (Schooli baston men Gender-stereotype) : Originally authored by Deepti Priya Mehrotra, this book discusses gender stereotypes in education. The Hindi translation was published by MJAS
Booklets for Empowering Adolescents: A set of five booklets in Hindi, featuring subject-based creative activities for grassroots activists working with children and adolescents has been prepared.
Psycho-social support & overall Well-being मनो सामाजिक सलामती : Offers tools and guidance for adolescents to navigate mental health challenges such as stress and societal expectations. Designed to foster self-awareness and emotional resilience.
Out-of-School Children आउट ऑफ़ स्कूल बच्चे : शिक्षा से कैसे जोड़ें : Highlights barriers to education faced by girls, such as early marriage and violence, while outlining strategies for reintegration into learning environments.
Opportunities for Girls and How to access करियर की सोच, अवसर और रास्ते : A comprehensive career roadmap that helps young women explore educational and vocational opportunities aligned with their aspirations.
Positive Parenting : सहयोगी अभिभावक सहभागी परिवार : Encourages participatory parenting practices to create nurturing family environments where adolescents can thrive. Online Education and Girls’ Safety ऑनलाइन शिक्षा और लड़कियों की सुरक्षा : Addresses the digital divide and equips communities with strategies to make online learning accessible and secure for girls.
Safe Sport Experience for Children and Youth – Handbook: (in English and Hindi) A comprehensive guide for coaches and children to ensure safe and inclusive sports experiences for all participants; emphasizes best practices in child protection, promoting a positive environment in sports.