MJAS’s intervention (work) on Informal Education

Life Values- Skills Module: “The Saath-Saath Life Values-Skills Module” integrates sessions on gender, child sexual abuse, constitutional rights, and life skills, fostering critical thinking, self-awareness, self- defense (Welindo), empowerment and active citizenship among girls.

Health, Nutrition: MJAS focuses on the health and nutrition for children and women by collaborating with various Anganwadi and Asha Workers. This includes vaccination for children (up to five years), monitoring of pregnant women to ensure safe delivery and educating young girls about health, nutrition, menstrual hygiene, and sexual and reproductive health.

Child Sexual Abuse: MJAS implements preventative measures and support for victims of child sexual abuse. They provide counseling and work with community representatives to ensure comprehensive support and justice, fostering a safer community.

Career guidance and counseling: Career ki soch, Avsar aur Raste – (Class 8th-9th, 10th 12th respectively): MJAS empowers youth to make informed educational and career choices through a structured approach. Programs for different grades guide students in exploring interests, identifying opportunities, and understanding pathways to their chosen careers.

Theatre in Education: TIE allows students and facilitators to be free and reflective thinkers, and connect with current issues. It helps them to articulate their demands and desires in a creative and collective manner. At MJAS, this involves imaginative writing, art and craft, and performing/embodying.

Community Action Projects: Through our Community Action Projects, MJAS empower young people to become leaders in their communities and create a more sustainable future. Some important themes around which MJAS engages are – Awareness on Constitutional Rights, Education for all, Social norms impact our lives, Child Right to play and expression and many more.

Sakhi Center, Learning and Creativity Center: MJAS has established Sakhi Centers in nine villages to provide safe spaces for informal education and holistic development. These centers, led by young women, support girls’ education and skill development, encouraging community engagement.